What is a Vapor Barrier?

A topical vapor barrier being installed by Paveman Coatings.

Water vapor can cause serious damage to your home. For instance, if your flooring gets wet, it could cause mold and mildew, or even destroy your floor. No one wants that, so vapor barriers are there to help prevent the floor from getting wet. They also help with reducing damp and musty areas by sealing […]

Hypoallergenic Flooring Solution

Paveman Coatings - Residential and Commercial Floor Coating Options

Fall Allergies When it comes to allergies, the fall can be just as rough for some as the spring. One of the most common allergy triggers in the fall is ragweed. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA), “ragweed season peaks in mid-September.” In the 49 states that ragweed grows, there just […]