How Does a Concrete Coating Protect Your Floor?
While concrete is known to be long lasting, it certainly doesn’t stay perfect during that long period of time. Many factors go into what affects your concrete such as weather, moisture levels, treatments, and how it was poured.
Weather is a key factor in how your concrete holds up. In the colder states, like here in Minnesota, winter can wreak havoc on your garage floor. The salt running off your car as it thaws out eats away at the concrete below, causing pitting and flaking of the concrete.
Freezing and thawing can cause cracks and movement in the concrete which then creates an uneven surface for walking or driving. Concrete coatings help keep your floor from being damaged by salt run off and other weather related problems.
Moisture can also be a terror on your concrete floor. It can pool, cause dampness, or bubble up out of concrete creating larger pits. When moisture builds up on concrete it can cause the surface to be slippery and lead to a higher chance of falling. A vapor barrier can solve a lot of these moisture problems and also protect your coating from bubbling or flaking.
Concrete can also deteriorate if left unmaintained. If concrete doesn’t have a coating put on or a seal of some kind it is much more likely to deteriorate faster. This is where salt problems happen, flaking, and pitting.
When your concrete is poured many things can go wrong such as, not enough stress joints can get put in, rough finish, and many other problems. With our coatings, we come in to repair those damaged areas and prep the floor leaving a slightly rough surface for us to apply our coatings to. These coatings then help protect that freshly repaired floor from further pitting and damage, while providing an aesthetically pleasing and durable surface for you and your family.